The day of your telehealth session, you will receive an email earlier in the day with a link that will direct right to the session. Please make sure you have complete privacy and a good internet connection.
The impact of therapy can be long-lasting and can help with a variety of struggles. Therapy is different from other interactions we may have because it provides educated insights, clinical tools and strategies, and psychoeducation to assist with making necessary changes for improving your life.
In your first session, you can expect your therapist to start by introducing herself and explaining the protocols of therapy. The remainder of the session will focus on learning about your background and eventually lead into what is bringing you into therapy. Your therapist will guide you through the process.
I am only a provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO insurance. If you have a different health insurance, you can inquire with your insurance company if they would reimburse your payments with an out-of-network provider.
Typically, sessions have the duration of an hour (at least 55 minutes). Frequency varies depending on the client’s availability and need but we can discuss this further in your first session.
You can get started by contacting me with your name (or the name of the prospective client), your availability for your first session, preference for in person or telehealth therapy, and a brief explanation for your therapeutic need.